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AMINO x is a BCAA formula designed to support endurance during your workout and aid in muscle recovery post training, so you can push your performance to the next level.* Featuring a 10 gram blend of BCAAs and the essential amino acids L-Alanine, Taurine and L-Citrulline, AMINOx will help your body recover from today’s workout and prepare for tomorrow’s.* Offered in five refreshing flavors, AMINOx provides you with versatile, nutritional support for any type of workout regimen.*

BCAAs And The Body
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and therefore, the building blocks of lean muscle.* Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) refer to three specific amino acids – Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine – that the body must obtain from either food or BCAA supplementation.

BCAAs And Exercise
BCAAs can be used by muscle cells as an energy source, which may help offset muscle breakdown during endurance exercise and help support recovery and repair after weight training.* As a result, BCAAs are a popular and relevant supplement among those who exercise regularly*.-No side effects

No Side Effects And Results Start To Show Within 10minutes

Price Ghc720
